What can you do?
Spread the word, just because we see Black Cockatoos, doesn't mean there are many.
You may just be seeing the same flock and they may not be breeding anymore
(due to age, or lack of available nesting hollows).
'Noongars believed that Karrak the red-tailed black cockatoo acquired its red tail markings on the tail from Ngo-lak the white tailed carnaby's cockatoo.
Tradition says that Ngo-lak was trying to defend a dingo which was attacking Chitty Chitty the willy wagtail.
Mulal the swamp hen was feeding at the time on a sedge, the roots of which ooze red sap, and he cut a reed and struck Ngo-lak across his back.
When Ngo-lak spread his tail to defend his back, Mulal threw lumps of red sap at his tail.
Ngo-lak became so hoarse from screaming that he could only vocalize "karrak" instead of the carnabys' call of "wola" and turned into Karrak, the red-tailed black cockatoo'.
Except from the Sydney Morning Herald Article: Ancient tales of Perth's fascinating birds.
Forest Red Tail Black Cockatoo
Calyptorhynchus banksii naso
Karrak (Noongar name)
Male: solid red and black tail feather
Female: yellow spots on face, neck and wings and striped on the chest and yellow to red stripes on tail (you can see the female tail feathers in the top image).
The Juveniles in all species looks similar to a female till they mature at about age 3.
(L) Carnaby & (R) Baudin White Tail Black Cockatoo
Zanda latirostris & Zanda baudinii
Ngoolark (Noongar name for both I believe).
This link gives appearance, call samples, areas they live in, general food info' for the 3 Types of Black Cockatoos etc.
(White tails : Baudin & Carnaby's and the Forest Red tail). (* Link provided by Kaarakin Black Cockatoo Recovery.)
Table from Bird Life Australia's 14 page PDF article "Black Cockatoo Guidelines 2019" please see link for EXTENSIVE info.
Some "Smaller" food plants
Red Tail's: Silver Princess, Western Sheoak
White Tails: Slender Banksia, Harsh Hakea, Honey Bush etc
ALL: Pincushion Hakea (red tails have been reported feeding on these too).
Please see the chart & other links etc for further ideas.
Important: Try and plant food trees together/ near existing feeding spots and habitat to most effectively feed of feathered friends.
A 2 Page PDF regarding Food Planting from Bird Life Australia "Choosing for Black Cockatoos"
Banksias and other plants can be Phosphorous sensitive, please check this link for detailed information
"cut" you make as being like a cut on your skin, you need to sterilise the equipment between cuts, even on the same tree, to prevent spreading disease. (I have been told Tea tree oil is good to use for fungal issues, I do not know the dilution ratio, please do your own research and never wipe it on the "wound" of the tree (unless advised) it is just for disinfecting the equipment between cuts.
Tips for Reducing stress: leave the tree "alone" as much as possible, no pesticides, plant tress away from walk ways/ traffic if possible (it appears that with Marri Canker, the trees not "exposed" to human interference, were usually the healthier ones).
If you want help with treating a tree or any arborist service we highly recommend! Ecological Tree Service
Ron Johnstone~ Curator of Ornithology/ Terrestrial Zoology at the Museum of Western Australian.
Baudin's and Carnaby's Cockatoos are listed as endangered, and the Forest Red-tailed Black Cockatoo as threatened. All have suffered a substantial loss of habitat and a decline in numbers. Baudin's Cockatoo faces the paradox of being listed as endangered and declared as an agricultural pest to commercial orchards which is a challenging plight indeed.
Join Ron Johnstone as he examines the causes of this decline and how the conservation of Baudin's Cockatoo in particular provides us with a great challenge for the future. This lecture was recorded at the WA Museum – Albany on 24 June 2010.
Tree hollows = a place to Nest.....
No hollows = no nesting = no birds....
it is that simple.
Currently there is competition with hollows (other bird species, other Black Cockatoos and feral bees) so breeding is reducing. If you have a place where Cockatoos come to breed installing an artificial nest hollow can be a wonderful contribution to their continued survival.
This video is not based in WA (and therefor shows a different subspecies), however it does show that magic of Red Tail Black Cockatoos and the joy of a fledglings first flight.
You can also hear the distinct sound that the juveniles make (in all Red Tail Black Cockatoos), so if you see a local flock and hear this sound you will know there is a young one amongst them, enjoy....
You can Donate to Bird life Australia or Kaarakin Black Cockatoo Conservation Center - which also has a lot of helpful information or the Perth Zoo which also treats many injured Cockatoos.
We will also be donating 10% or more from all photography sold to these places.
You can also join Bird life Australia to get more involved and stay in the loop and also Kaarakin has gifts you can purchase and wonderful private tours you can do to get close up and personal.
The different types of Black Cockatoos, their location, habitat, protecting & growing their bush, adaption, re-vegetation, watering holes needs, nesting hollows/boxes, what to do with an injured animal (also shown on this page), why to record sighting etc
Black cockatoos, belonging to the Calyptorhynchus genus, are large, black-feathered cockatoos that have loud, distinctive calls and are most often observed flying and feeding in small to large flocks. There are three threatened species of black cockatoo that are found in Western Australia:
Refer to NatureMap for information regarding the distributions of these species and download the following information sheets for further details about identification, habitat, biology and behaviour and management:
Carnaby’s cockatoo Calyptorhynchus latirostris, Baudin’s cockatoo Calyptorhynchus baudinii and the forest red-tailed black cockatoo Calyptorhynchus banksii naso are threatened species under State and Commonwealth legislation. In Western Australia, Carnaby’s cockatoo and Baudin’s cockatoo are listed as Endangered fauna, and the forest red-tailed black cockatoo is listed as Vulnerable fauna under the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016. Nationally they have the same listing categories (Endangered for Carnaby’s cockatoo and Baudin’s cockatoo, and Vulnerable for forest red-tailed black cockatoo) under the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.
If you suspect black cockatoos are being harmed or captured, or find an injured or dead cockatoo, call the 24-hour Wildcare Helpline on (08) 9474 9055.
You can also assist with roost counts and surveys by joining in with the Great Cocky Count. The Great Cocky Count is an annual, community-based survey where volunteers count black cockatoos at night-time roost sites across the south-west of the state on a single night in April.
Plant food plants or future nesting trees:
Erect artificial hollows in suitable trees within their natural breeding ranges. The following documents are specifically about artificial hollows for Carnaby’s cockatoo but can also be used for Baudin’s cockatoo and the forest red-tailed cockatoo:
Black Cockatoo Hollow Design and the many Considerations by DBCA 2023
Department of Parks & Wildlife (2013). Carnaby’s Cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus latirostris) Recovery Plan. Perth, WA: Department of Parks and Wildlife.
The National Recovery Plan for Carnaby’s cockatoo outlines actions that are being implemented to improve the conservation status of the species:
Department of Environment and Conservation (2008). Forest black cockatoo (Baudin’s cockatoo Calyptorhynchus baudinii and forest red-tailed black cockatoo Calyptorhynchus banksii naso) Recovery Plan. Perth, WA: Department of Parks and Wildlife.
The National Recovery Plan for Baudin’s cockatoo and the forest red-tailed black cockatoo outlines actions that are being implemented to improve the conservation status of both species:
The Western Australian Museum and Water Corporation launched the Cockatoo Care research initiative in 2001, with the aim of researching the distribution and ecology of black cockatoos and threats to their survival, as well as implementing measures to encourage the conservation of the species.
The Department of the Environment has published a referral guideline for the three species of black cockatoos in WA, which provide guidance for vegetation clearing and other activities that could have a significant impact on the species and their habitats.
The Department of Parks and Wildlife and BirdLife Australia identified
critical nesting and foraging habitat in the Wheatbelt region in 2009-2010, which led to the fencing of high quality areas of remnant native vegetation. Methods to map956.73 KB roosting cockatoos on the Swan Coastal Plain and Jarrah Forests has been
developed, leading to the production of maps of breeding, roosting and feeding habitat. BirdLife Australia has also identified 12 important Bird Areas specifically for Carnaby’s cockatoo,
and the Department monitors key nesting sites across the Wheatbelt region.
The Forest Black Cockatoo Recovery Team and the Carnaby’s Cockatoo Recovery Team, led by the Department of Parks and Wildlife, have been assisting with the implementation of recovery actions as outline in the recovery plans.
Perth Zoo,Karaakin black cockatoo conservation centre,Native Animal Rescue, and Jamarri Black Cockatoo Sanctuary are involved in rehabilitating injured black cockatoos for release back into the wild and educating the community about the conservation of these species.
The Department of Parks and Wildlife, BirdLife Australia and the WA Museum have been involved in installing artificial nest hollows and repairing damaged and degraded natural nest hollows.
Further Information